
Who won, besides Casio?

With design as the core offering of their business, the design team needs to be able to do lots of specific types of design fluently and well.

Ruben J. Rodríguez Cid
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Team of agency members.

Who won, besides Casio?

Undoubtedly Shakira's outburst has left some big winners and some losers, and I'm not talking about Piqué, but about the brands that did not capitalize on the conversation as well as Casio did. But without a doubt, the biggest winner is Influencer Marketing.


Undoubtedly Shakira's outburst has left some big winners and some losers, and I'm not talking about Piqué, but about the brands that did not capitalize on the conversation as well as Casio did. But without a doubt, the biggest winner is Influencer Marketing.

This case opens up 2023, once again highlighting the power of social networks to achieve unprecedented media amplification and pointing out that the big winners of the digital era are the brands that manage to make their message part of the person-to-person conversation. Considering that today people spend more time socializing on social networks than in the physical world, it should not surprise anyone that working with people to deliver the brand message continues to take center stage. Another aspect influencing this are trends such as the shift towards visual marketing and the growing popularity of audio-visual formats fostered by Instagram and Tik Tok which will also make influencer marketing an even more integral part of advertising strategies this 2023.

As brands continue to integrate their message into the social conversation, the power and costs of working with people will continue to increase. This will mean continuing to strengthen agencies' planning, measurement and negotiation skills in order to develop better strategies and negotiation parameters to achieve results that guarantee ROI. Also considering audience preferences for audiovisual formats, brands will rely on teams that can respond with the agility, quality and creativity to effectively communicate their messages.

The benefits of influencer marketing are endless. One of the main benefits of working with influencers is being able to humanize your brand message as well as reach your audience in new and innovative ways, just as "Shakira's venting" taught us. With so many changes afoot, it's hard to predict exactly what the future holds, but one thing is for sure: influencer marketing is here to stay. As social media continues to grow and evolve, so will influencer marketing. This 2023, don't let the monotony splash you and make sure your brand is part of the conversation.#PoweredByPeople

With design as the core offering of their business, the design team needs to be able to do lots of specific types of design fluently and well.