
Media in 2023

"It is important to keep in mind that you do not age with time, but when everything changes and you do not. Put passion into this 2023 and here always to help you.

Ruben J. Rodríguez Cid
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Medios en el 2023

Medios en el 2023

As we enter the 2023rd anniversary #200 of the publication of the first newspaper in Puerto Rico, it seems appropriate to consider what the media landscape may look like in the coming years. There are several trends that can be expected to continue to gain strength in the coming years such as the continued rise of digital media to the resurgence of Traditional Television.

Our invitation to marketers and advertising agencies this year is that they should focus on a number of key media trends to reach target audiences. These include high-quality short-form video content (in a variety of formats) that is both entertaining, informative and provides value, the use of augmented reality in consumer experiences, the integration of artificial intelligence into advertising campaigns and the increased use of social media in marketing activities.

Another key trend for media in 2023 and beyond is media creativity. With increasing restrictions, media have more and more reasons to try new forms of advertising to maintain relevance and revenue. This includes innovative ways to advertise to audiences, who are becoming accustomed to ad-free environments (e.g. Nextflix, Streaming TV, Spotify, etc.). This means that media must explore ways to combine advertising with entertainment while ensuring a balanced experience for people.

"It is important to keep in mind that you do not age with time, but when everything changes and you do not. Put passion into this 2023 and here always to help you.