
In this 2023, will you stay out of the game?

With 95% of Puerto Ricans owning a cell phone and the popularity of mobile video games over the past year, mobile video game advertising has become an important opportunity to connect with people.

Ruben J. Rodríguez Cid
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In this 2023, will you stay out of the game?

With 95% of Puerto Ricans owning a cell phone and the popularity of mobile video games over the past year, mobile video game advertising has become an important opportunity to connect with people. Non-invasive advertising offers advertisers a way to reach large audiences on an ever-increasing scale. Since the onset of the pandemic, the mobile app market in Puerto Rico has experienced a significant increase that in 2022 reflected 35% growth vs. 2021.

What is mobile game advertising?

Mobile in-game advertising is a form of non-invasive advertising that uses mobile games as a channel to display advertisements for products, services and brands. Some common forms of mobile in-game advertising include graphical and video ads, in-game ads, banners and video rewards, among others.This form of advertising is becoming increasingly popular because it not only reaches a wide audience, but also offers a fun experience for the user. In-game ads offered by platforms such as Admazing will take a stronger role during 2023 because it is a format where ads are integrated directly into the game. These ads tend to have a shorter duration, so that players are not disconnected from the gaming experience.

2023: A year of opportunity for mobile gaming advertising

One of the main opportunities we identified is the large audience that platforms such as Admazing have in Puerto Rico.Currently there are 2.8M unique users where 59% are women and 41% men.Not only is it interesting to know that more women are entertained with these mobile video games, but another important fact is that 82% of users are over 25 years old.From games like Candy Crush, Solitaire, Sodoku and even Dominoes, what it tells us is that everyone plays in Puerto Rico. 


In 2023, it is projected as a year to capitalize on all these opportunities offered by new technological platforms, including the great penetration and social role of cell phones.Today mobile video games represent a great opportunity considering the massive reach (2.8M unique users in P.R.) without the advertising saturation of other media.The main question we must ask ourselves, are we in or out of the game?We are here to help you, let's talk! Influmedia

With 95% of Puerto Ricans owning a cell phone and the popularity of mobile video games over the past year, mobile video game advertising has become an important opportunity to connect with people.